Not Fried Plantains

Not Fried Plantains

We love plantains which are one of the most highly eaten foods on planet earth. Unfortunately almost everybody fries them. Why would they do such a horrendous thing to such beautiful plantains? We don't know but do want to offer you this alternative. The concept is quite simple, the variations are endless. I have NEVER had somebody not like these! And our friends that have never eaten them NOT FRIED are always extremely pleasantly surprised.

Preparation time 10m

Cooking time 10m

For 4 Person(s)
• 4 Large Ripe Plantains
• 4 tablespoon(s) Lime Juice or Lemon Juice

Not Fried Plantains Directions
1. Allow the Plantains to become ripe before preparing. They will be turning yellow but use them before they start to blacken and the skins stick to the plantains.
2. Peal the Plantains and cut them into 1/2 inch or wider circles.
3. Stir the Plantains into 1/2 of the Lime or Lemon Juice and get them well coated with juice.
4. Place the remaining Lime or Lemon Juice into the bottom of a large flat skillet that has a cover, preferably a glass see through cover.
5. Place the Plantains circles into the skillet packed together tightly. We always put the smaller pieces towards the outside and the larger ones towards to center of the pan as the center of the pan gets hotter.
6. Cover the Plantains and then turn a high heat under the Plantains until the Lime or Lemon Juice begins to boil.
7. Turn the heat down to a high simmer and keep covered for about 10 minutes until they start to brown on the bottom but don't burn.
8. Uncover the Plantains and serve right out of the pan preferably turning them over onto the serving plates to make the nicely browned bottoms display well.

This is the very basic Plantains recipe but the sky is the limit on variations. One of our very favorite variations is to use Passion Fruit Juice instead of Lime Juice on the bottom of the pan. Another favorite is to cover the plantains with a layer of mango pieces. And, a super, "Eat and Cry for More", option is to use the Passion Fruit Juice AND the covering of Mangoes.

Originally found here


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