Jewish Foods: More Than Just Matzo Ball Soup

Jewish Foods: More Than Just Matzo Ball Soup

Talking about Jewish food is both mouth-wateringly delicious and just a little complicated.

While Ashkenazi Jews (Jews from Eastern Europe) are used to foods like gefilte fish and matzah ball soup, these dishes would be foreign to a Jew from The Middle East, North Africa or Ethiopia who would prefer to chow down pkaila, shakshuka, t’bit or doro wat.

What connects Jewish foods, apart from being delicious, is that they developed from economic necessity and were often a way for poor communities to create something tasty from very little.

While some of these dishes have been forgotten over time, others are enjoying a culinary renaissance and gaining new generations of fans.

So pull up a seat and join us on this delicious culinary journey as we take the lid of the culinary melting pot of Jewish food.



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