Dude It's Shabbos

Dude It's Shabbos

Dude it's Shabbos.


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The Chuppa

In the Song of Solomon we read “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me…
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The Shochet-Jewish Tradition

Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a…
The Shochet-Jewish Tradition

Mikvah-Jewish Tradition

A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing.
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition


The word “kosher” literally means “proper.” When kosher is used to describe food it refers to…


The word Halakhah comes from the root word halakh which means “to go” and it is the name given…


A tallit is a prayer shawl. Tallitot (plural of tallit) are rectangular in shape and have…

Daily Blessings

It is often said of Judaism that it is less a faith than it is a way of life. For Judaism…
Daily Blessings

Alms (Tzedakah) Box

The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or…
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In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of…

What is a Get?

A get is a divorce under halacha, or Jewish law. The word can also refer to the document that…
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Second Day of Festivals

Once the Beth Din had evidence that the new moon had been seen, (see FIXING THE CALENDAR) a new…
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