Who is the Real Jew?

Who is the Real Jew?

Two baby boys are born at the same time in the same hospital in NYC. One is named David and one is named Barry. David’s parents are Jewish and have him circumcised on the eighth day, while Barry’s parents are Catholic and have him baptized.  David likes bagels, Barry likes bacon. David goes to Hebrew school to prepare for his bar mitzvah. Barry goes to Catholic school. At thirteen David has his bar mitzvah while Barry is confirmed. David becomes a rabbi, while Barry becomes a priest. David marries a Jewish lady and raises their children in the Jewish faith. Barry lives in a rectory.

One day, when the two men are 45 years of age, it is determined that there was a mix up in the hospital when they were born and they were given to the wrong parents. 

Who is the real Jew?

Rabbi David, who was raised Jewish and likes bagels, but is biologically 100% Italian goy, or Priest Barry, who was raised Catholic and does not like bagels, likes to eat bacon, but is biologically 100% Jewish?

Please share your opinion!

Images used for the collage:
Jewish symbolism: 2nd century Rome gold goblet shows Jewish ritual. Source.
Catholic symbolism: Early use of a globus cruciger on a solidus minted by Leontios. Source.

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